

Being in our 50’s and each marrying for the second time, we were already faced with combining two households, and certainly didn’t need another toaster or more bath towels.  But, we know that, generally, wedding guests feel moved to give something in celebration.

We wanted to, somehow, direct wedding gifts to charity.  But, which charity…and how?

We are blessed.  We have 6 healthy, bright children, aged 27 down to 13, who have never had wonder if they are loved, if mom and/or dad will come home at night, or where their next meal is coming from.  But, we know that not all children have that security and issues facing at-risk youth are a concern for both of us.  So, we wanted to support an organization that faces those issues head-on.

As fate would have it, during the time we were trying to decide on a charity, a lawyer that works for Kids’ Voice was the guest speaker at a Friday morning Fishers Rotary Meeting where both of us were in attendance.  Immediately after her talk, we turned to each other and said, “I think we’ve found our charity!”  We spoke briefly with her after the meeting and met with others at Kids’ Voice to make them aware of our intentions.

We had the “who”…now, how?

We included a “donation card” with our wedding invitations.  Printed at the top:  “Your presence is the best gift we could receive.  Should you wish to give a gift, please consider a charitable donation to Kids’ Voice of Indiana.”  The donation card could be mailed directly to Kids’ Voice, but we also provided a link to the donation page of their website.  Many guests included a check payable to Kid’s Voice in the greeting cards they brought to the reception.

Mike and I are humbled and grateful to report that total donations to Kids’ Voice in honor of our newly-created family totaled more than $2,500!    

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